Horse Feeder Testimonial
My Slideaway Horse Feeder is made strong and safe for horses.
Modifications to suit your individual needs are no problem during construction, they can be moved around the paddock with ease using a 4 wheel motor bike, and has the potential to go between two paddocks if necessary and can be a central feed area for 4 separate areas if there is a need to divide a paddock up into smaller areas.
The roof gives protection from the weather and the slides keep the bale off the ground. Construction design can also allow for restricting feeding times. It has been one of my best purchases when safety and not wasting feed is important.
I highly recommend these feeders to everyone.”
Anne Flenley, Newstead, Victoria.
Trailing Bale Feeder Testimonial
As a Merino Breeder in Central Victoria running over 8,000 sheep, we faced a number of problems when it came to supplementary feeding. Slideaway Australia came to the rescue by designing highly mobile and innovative big square bale feeder which I could tow with my ute. This has made feeding large quantities of hay to big mobs a one man, and much easier job.
Tony Butler, F.R Butler & Sons, 'Joyce’s Park', Newstead
Goat Hay Feeders Testimonial
We use 15 Slideaway hay feeders as part of our Milking Goat Breeding Program in Central Victoria. They are great for our feedlot.
Very little waste, easy to fill and shift. We have tried a cheaper brand of hay feeder but it did not have the strength and durability of the Slideaway product.
Ian Garsed, Livestock Manager, Nuchev Pty Ltd.
Sheep Hay Feeder Testimonial
The bulk of my business is prime lambs and these feeders are excellent for finishing them to market specifications with a lot less waste.
Daryl Holt, Elders, Pyramid Hill
Sheep Hay Feeder Testimonial
With the Slideaway Hay Feeders we are able to keep hay dry in Winter when the sheep need it most. By having access to the dry hay all the time they come up to eat as they need it and so do a lot better. At the same time we get full value out of the hay by reducing the amount of hay wasted compared to feeding on the ground.
Darryl, Janet and Finley MacDonald, Fairburn Poll Dorsets & White Sufforks, Mt Franklin
Sheep Hay Feeder Testimonial
Feeding sheep hay using these feeders eliminiates wastage and spoiling of hay and straw, especially from Autumn through to the end of Spring.
We find having dry hay available all the time, our stock are doing remarkably well with the conditions we have been through. Ewes or lambs seem to eat what they need and not gorge themselves and joining young x-bred ewes in containment on feeders has paid big dividends.
The secret is not flash hay, just DRY hay! Slideaway feeders are well built and I highly recommend them.
Colin and Debra Jennings, Fat Lamb Producers, Barringhup
Sheep Hay Feeder Testimonal
These feeders have reduced my wastage by 3-fold because the sheep must eat at the muzzel-feeding gates and so can't trample the hay. The clever design makes it easy to load bales, saving heaps of time, and the sturdy construction allows me to tow it, bale and all. The main frame is fully welded (no tech screws) and it's easy to fill and maintain. The Slideaway feeder was the best value for money and the other feeders I looked at had weaker construction and less weather protection for the hay.
Malcolm Fyffe, Wool and Fat Lamb Producer, Sandon